Headless statue of Athena
Headless statue of Athena Art of Hadrian’s Villa: H eadless Statue of Athena is made of Luna marble and this marvelous piece from Hadrian’s Villa is a headless statue of Athena of theVescovali-Arezzo Type. The Headless statue of Athena was presumably made according to a Greek model attributed to Praxiteles` workshop.A large number of Roman copies have survived and one complete figure of this type can be seen in the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. Two other near complete copies are housed in the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridgeas well as in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford . The statue of goddess is depicted wrapped in a himation(cloak).She stands with her left hand resting on her hip and would have carried a spear in her lost right hand. She wears her aegis bordered with small snakes over the shoulders . The aegis was Zeus` magical breastplate which he lent to his daughter Athena in honor of her role in principled warfare ,in the Homeric corpus . In most accounts ,it was describe...